
Peaceful Kids Program Now Available
The “Peaceful Kids” program is a Mindfulness and Positive Psychology based program, aimed to help lessen anxiety and stress and increase resilience in children from Prep – Year 12. The program aims to help children to further develop their emotional resilience so they are better equipped to deal with the day to day stresses that life brings them. Peaceful Kids is an 8 week small group program. Please contact Belinda, Director and Psychologist, if you would like more information about this service.
TALI Train Now Available
TALI Train is an innovative game-based training program for young children who may have attention difficulties. TALI Train is an intervention designed to engage with children who have a developmental age between 3-8 years. TALI train is accessed via a home-based iOS or Android tablet. Please contact Belinda, Director and Psychologist, if you would like more information about this service.